Q: Is there any simple mantra or koan comprising of 2 words or a phrase that can be recited while inhaling & exhaling e.g. (Bud- dho) in order to strengthen our contemplation.
A: The expression "Don't know" covers so many facets of mindfulness development, it is surprising more people are not aware of it. The Zen practice of the "Don't know mind" that 'empties' the mind, is not what is intended here; but of a meaningful enquiry so as to keep focused on just about any object of contemplation. One of the basics of Dhamma is Anattaa, hence any object under investigation will respond to the _genuine_ exclamation of "Don't know" simply because all objects lack any substance and thus aren't objects.
Unwholesome objects will become 'stressed' or rejected; whilst wholesome objects will gladden and develop, until such time as increasing subtlety renders such objects unwholesome so as to give way to states of ever-greater subtlety and wholesomeness: etc, etc.
For some practitioners, the best results might come when the so-called 'heart' centre is focused on, whilst synchronising the breath. The space behind the sternum joint at the first visible rib pair: which is drifting off-topic!